Professional ID card for independent experts
Why do we need a standardised professional ID card?
Over the years, internationalisation has had a growing influence on the working environment of independent experts. The profession is held in high esteem throughout Europe, yet there is a lack of uniform standards. The EuropeanExperts Card is an attempt by leading professional associations such as the German Association of Independent Experts (Deutscher Gutachter und Sachverständigen Verband, DGSV), European Economic Interest Grouping of Experts (Europäische Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung der Sachverständigen, EWIVS), International Experts Organisation (IEO), and European Experts Group (EEG) to introduce a standardised professional ID card that would serve as proof of their qualifications for experts throughout Europe.
With the EuropeanExperts Card, professional experts will be able to overcome national boundaries, as their qualifications will be recognised throughout Europe.
The professional status of independent experts is regulated on a national level. However, when it comes to international assignments, there is a lack of transparency and informative value - a gap that is closed with such a professional ID card.
The organisations named above seek to remedy this problem in the near future with the introduction of a standardised EuropeanExperts Card for members of this profession.
For individual experts, this means less trouble, shorter processing times and better recognition in a working environment that is becoming increasingly international.
Carriers of the EuropeanExperts Card
The idea of a EuropeanExperts Card was introduced by the EEG in 2012 and has been developed further with the help of established organisations such as EWIVS, IEO and DGSV.
The resulting professional ID card is the first verification document of its kind to identify independent experts across Europe as specialists in their field.
In Germany, this professional ID card is being issued exclusively to members of the German Association of Independent Experts. This ensures that the EuropeanExperts Card is only given to experts who meet the high standards of a national organisation. This creates a standard for comparison in the international arena and establishes confidence among private and commercial customers throughout Europe.
The following organisations and associations support the idea behind the new, standardised professional ID card:
European Experts Group, German Association of Independent Experts, International Experts Organisation, as well as the European Economic Interest Grouping of Experts.
Requirements for the EuropeanExperts Card:
To receive the EuropeanExperts Card, membership in one of the above-mentioned organisations is a prerequisite. In the near future, these and other national sponsoring organisations will be able to issue the first standardised professional ID card for independent experts in Europe.
Fees and expiration
The EuropeanExperts Card will be valid for two years. There is a processing fee of EUR 120 for each application, to be paid to the issuing organisation. This fee covers expenses associated with the verification of the applicant's minimum requirements and of his or her membership status with the sponsoring organisation.